Our News Blog

Welcome to our site! We are in the process of building our blog page and will have many interesting articles to share in the coming months. Please stay tuned to this page for information to come. And if you have any questions about our business or want to reach out to us, we would love…

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Why Hymax Hockey is Passionate About Field Hockey

Field hockey is a sport that requires a great deal of skill and athleticism. Maryland field hockey players have the opportunity to learn these skills and improve their game in a competitive yet friendly environment. This is especially true with the Hymax Field Hockey Club. Here is a quick look at what makes field hockey so…

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4 Benefits to Joining Our Indoor Field Hockey Team

4 Benefits to Joining Our Indoor Field Hockey Team

Indoor field hockey is an exciting sport that has many benefits. At Hymax Hockey, we believe in sports being a positive experience that creates a great impact in developing children and teenagers. In today’s blog, we want to talk more about four of the many benefits of joining our indoor field hockey team.      …

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Hallow Hockey 7v7 Tournament

Hallow Hockey 7v7 Tournament

Let the countdown begin! Hymax Field Hockey is gearing up for our seventh annual Hallow Hockey tournament! This women’s field hockey tournament is a perennial fan favorite, so we’re excited to host it once again. It will be a great opportunity for players and spectators alike to experience Maryland field hockey at its best!   What Is…

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How You Can Improve Your Skills at Hymax Field Hockey Club

How You Can Improve Your Skills at Hymax Field Hockey Club

The Hymax Field Hockey Club sports club offers field hockey players of all levels the opportunity to improve their skills in a fun and supportive environment. With experienced coaches and a variety of training programs available, Hymax Field Hockey Club is the perfect place to take your game to the next level. Whether you’re a beginner looking…

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How to Prepare for Field Hockey Team Tryouts

How to Prepare for Field Hockey Team Tryouts

We know that tryouts can be a nerve-wracking experience, but we want you to go into them with the confidence that you can make the team. The Hymax Field Hockey Club is excited to present the inside scoop in all the things you should prepare for your field hockey try out. If you are looking…

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4 Reasons to Try Out for Field Hockey

4 Reasons to Try Out for Field Hockey

Field hockey is a sport that is often overlooked, but it is a great way to get active, be part of a team, and have fun. Hymax Hockey is a great way to improve your field hockey skills. Hymax Hockey is dedicated to helping players improve their field hockey skills and reach their full potential.…

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Why Field Hockey is Great for Student Development

Why Field Hockey is Great for Student Development

Women’s field hockey is a great sport for both student development and personal development. For young women in the Greater Baltimore, MD, area, sports clubs like the Hymax Field Hockey Club can help them improve their skills and better understand the competitive environment. Our mission is to help players of every skill level to have access to…

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Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolutions With Field Hockey!


New Year’s resolutions are perhaps infamous for going unfulfilled, but what if we told you there was a fun and exciting way to check multiple resolutions off your list this year? That’s right — joining a women’s field hockey team in Maryland can be a great way to bring in the new year and enhance…

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